Sonia, Loïc and their little boy Rafael celebrated the arrival of little Carl within their family with two photo sessions: a pregnancy session and a newborn session.
In their family home, près de Muret, we took some images of Sonia’s beautiful baby bump, the family longing for the baby to come, the reading of their favourite book of the moment: ‘There’s a house inside my mummy’ 🙂
Then a month later, I came back to their place to capture the first moments of Carl at home with his parents and his big brother.
With Sonia we tried to recreate some images from the pregnancy photo-shoot, to get before/after pictures of Carl’s arrival.
As often, I was particularly moved during the breastfeeding moment when the connection between child and mum is so strong. Carl also had interesting exchanges with his dad, one-to-one, that I found particularly touching.
Thanks to the four of you for these moments spent together and for the opportunity to document your family times around the arrival of your second child.