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Photographe près de Toulouse dans le Sud-Ouest de la France

Ruines et vieux donjon

Photo of the French town of Aurignac - sculpted shield - Aurignac Photographer

Ma balade à Aurignac a été à la fois tranquille et paisible ainsi que pleine de découvertes. J’y ai trouvé de beaux trésors visuels: un vieux lavoir, un terrain de jeu, une église, un vieux donjon et des ruines, un magnifique vue sur les Pyrénées, une statue pleine de grâce, des bâtiments abandonnés et des portes rouillées, la vignette d’un hérisson sur une boîte aux lettres, tout cela sous un ciel voilé plein de belles traînées d’avion.

Photo of the French town of Aurignac - view of town - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - view of town - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - buildings - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - lamppost - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old wash house and fire hydrant - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old fire hydrant - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - wooden sign - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - staircase - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - house with blue shutters - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - relief sculpture on stone wall with tree shadows - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - playground spring riders - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - Eglise Saint-Pierre - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - Eglise Saint-Pierre - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - Arch of Eglise Saint-Pierre - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - Eglise Saint-Pierre and street - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - close-up stone wall - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old knocker on wooden door - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - staircase leading to ruins - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - ruins - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old donjon - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old stone wall - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old stone wall - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - sculpted shield - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old donjon and ruins - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - ruins - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old stone staircase - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - view of the mountains - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - bare tree in town and sky - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - rusted metal door - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - building - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - corrugated iron wall and door - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - abandoned building - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - statue - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - statue - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - hotel building - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - hedgehog sticker - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - airplane trails in the sky - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - airplane trails in the sky - Aurignac Photographer

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