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Photographer near Toulouse in South-West France

Ruins and old donjon

Photo of the French town of Aurignac - sculpted shield - Aurignac Photographer

My quiet walk trough Aurignac was actually full of discoveries and I found many visual treasures: an old wash house, a playground, a church, an old donjon and ruins, a gorgeous view on the Pyrenees, a graceful statue, abandoned buildings and rusty doors, a hedgehog sticker on a mailbox, all of that under a veiled sky full of beautiful airplane trails.

Photo of the French town of Aurignac - view of town - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - view of town - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - buildings - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - lamppost - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old wash house and fire hydrant - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old fire hydrant - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - wooden sign - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - staircase - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - house with blue shutters - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - relief sculpture on stone wall with tree shadows - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - playground spring riders - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - Eglise Saint-Pierre - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - Eglise Saint-Pierre - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - Arch of Eglise Saint-Pierre - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - Eglise Saint-Pierre and street - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - close-up stone wall - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old knocker on wooden door - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - staircase leading to ruins - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - ruins - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old donjon - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old stone wall - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old stone wall - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - sculpted shield - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old donjon and ruins - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - ruins - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - old stone staircase - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - view of the mountains - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - bare tree in town and sky - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - rusted metal door - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - building - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - corrugated iron wall and door - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - abandoned building - Aurignac Photographer Photo of the French town of Aurignac - statue - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - statue - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - hotel building - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - hedgehog sticker - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - airplane trails in the sky - Aurignac Photographer
Photo of the French town of Aurignac - airplane trails in the sky - Aurignac Photographer

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