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Photographer near Toulouse in South-West France


Photographer in Martres-Tolosane, in the French department of Haute-Garonne, I offer family photo-sessions and wedding photography.

Scroll down to see examples of previous work in Martres-Tolosane.
For more info about my services, just drop me a line through the contact form.

Arts and Fire Show

rozimages - photographie d'évènement - Salon des Arts et du Feu 2015 - céramique blanche - Martres-Tolosane, France

I had heard so much about the Art and Fire Show (‘Salon des Arts et du Feu’ in French) of Martres-Tolosane that I couldn’t wait to be there. The town is known for its faience potters, but for the event other craftspeople from the area got together View All Photos

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